Praise Him with the sunrise
When the day has just begun
Praise Him with the chorus of the dawn
Praise Him when your eyes discern
Provision from afar
Praise Him every beat of your heart
Praise Him as you go your way
Upon the fickle earth
Praise Him whether bearing fruit or dirt
Praise Him in the harvest
Or when the yield is lost
Praise Him every beat of your heart
Praise the Lord, oh my soul
With all my soul, praise the Lord
Through the day into the night
Oh my soul, praise the Lord
Praise Him as you lay your head
Upon your bed tonight
Praise Him though the shadows come alive
Darkness is as light to Him
He keeps you in His charge
Praise Him every beat of your heart
Praise the Lord, oh my soul
With all my soul, praise the Lord
Through the day into the night
Oh my soul, praise the Lord
Praise Him when the work is done
And feeble hands retire
Praise Him with the fading of the light
Praise Him that He knows your frame
And bears you in His arms
Praise Him every beat of your heart